Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Happy Chubby Lady :)

OOTD! On a side note, today was 105 degrees where I live, so you...

OOTD! On a side note, today was 105 degrees where I live, so you are lucky that this picture is not me chillin' at home in my underwear hahaha

USA size 18. Age 22.

Please keep doing OOTD posts, I love them. They're helping me feel more confident and encouraging me to make more effort! :)

Thank YOU for your encouraging message! I will keep them ootd's coming ;) However, next week is finals week at my college, & I'm really really swamped with studying & essays. Honestly, I'm going around with no make-up and my hair in a bun hahaha.

Feel free to msg me off of anon! And keep up the confidence, girl! <3

Do you have any tips for a slightly larger lady who feels depressed about her body?

  • Love your present self, not your future self. For example, I always thought, "yeah, I guess I'm pretty. But man, when I lose weight, I'm going to be so much happier about myself! Then I will truly love who I am". Wrong. I needed to learn that if I never ever lost a single pound, I would still be happy with myself. 
  • If you followed all the "fashion tips" there are for plus sized ladies, you would have nothing to wear! So wear horizontal stripes. Wear bold prints. Buy those cute shorts and tank tops you've been wanting forever.
Those are just a few for now :) Feel free to message me off of anon!

omg i was scrolling down one of the body positive tags or something and i've never really stopped and totally adored someone but you are the cutest, prettiest, most beautiful girl i've ever seen! I'm extremely jealous! Something about you just radiates good things! You just look really sweet and nice!

Wow this message is really too kind! Thank you so so much :) It really means a lot to me. When I decided to start this tumblr last month, I wasn't sure what people would think. Honestly, I expected a lot of hateful anons, but I didn't care, because I wanted to show that beauty doesn't have a size limit— it comes from within. And I guarantee that you are absolutely gorgeous yourself. You just have to allow yourself to see it. If you ever want to come off of anon I would be happy to pm with you :)

This dress makes me happy <3 USA size 18. Age 22

This dress makes me happy <3

USA size 18. Age 22

My name might be Autumn, but I sure love the summer :)  USA size...

My name might be Autumn, but I sure love the summer :) 

USA size 18. Age 22


Me:    Wow I sure like swimming! I go about 4 times a week. It’s one of my favorite things to...

Me:    Wow I sure like swimming! I go about 4 times a week. It’s one of my favorite things to do! I do it just for fun :) :)

Like 50% of peeps at my college:    Good for you, it’s great that you are trying to lose weight! Keep it up! Don’t get discouraged; sometimes weight takes a while to come off. Wow you will be able to wear bikinis in no time! Are you dieting too? Gotta do both exercise & diet to maximize weight loss you know! Have you tried the treadmill too??

Me:    Uhhhhh, pretty sure I said I go swimming for fun… But thanks for feeding into the belief that fat/chubby/thick people only exercise because they are trying to lose weight. Ya know, because it is totally inconceivable that a chubby chick might actually just enjoy it. 

fuckyeahbodypositivity: Fat people do not have to be healthy in order to deserve dignity Fat people...


Fat people do not have to be healthy in order to deserve dignity

Fat people do not have to be healthy in order to deserve dignity

Fat people do not have to be healthy in order to deserve dignity

If I see someone say, "It's ok to be fat as long as you're healthy," one more time I'm gonna lose it. I know this is a crazy radical idea, but how about someone's health has nothing to do with how you should treat them or how much respect they are deserving of?



The first summer since my teenage years that I'm not...

The first summer since my teenage years that I'm not walking around the beach in a cover-up :) Body acceptance is beautiful.

You are perfect. Marry me.

D'aww, but you are anonymous! How am I supposed to know who to marry??? 

(Besides, I'm already married :P )

Super stressed over here, writing 3 essays. Another long night...

Super stressed over here, writing 3 essays. Another long night in the library! At least I have some amazing butter pecan ice cream to keep me company *drool*

Reblog if you think fat girls are fabulous.


This is the most notes I've ever

that says something

Of course I must reblog. Fat girls, FTW!

This is a late ootd haha. I wore this on Saturday :) USA size 18

This is a late ootd haha. I wore this on Saturday :)

USA size 18




Ma'am, you are too beautiful. Stop it right now before I have to attack you with a hug.

Nope, no stopping it! Hugs, hugs all around! ;D



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